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email marketing
Alessandro M. Puricelli

Come Utilizzare l’Email Marketing per l’E-Commerce

La rivalità nel commercio elettronico è sempre più intensa. Quindi, se vuoi che la tua attività di e-commerce abbia successo, devi essere innovativo e creativo. Uno degli strumenti più potenti per ottenere risultati nel commercio elettronico è l’email marketing. In questo articolo, ti mostreremo come utilizzare l’email marketing

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Alessandro M. Puricelli

The 5 basic rules for a local 2.0 business website

The website is the preferred starting platform for all marketing 2.0 initiatives for a local business. Managing online communication for a local business is a rather serious and complex issue that is often underestimated by creative advertising agencies...

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Marketing tools
Alessandro M. Puricelli

Landing page: why it is still an important tool today

Listen to the audio version of the article: Landing pages are an essential part of any business. They are the first page someone sees and it is the place that needs to be interesting, relevant and engaging. A landing page is a web page that appears in response to a click

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person using black tablet computer
Business Development
Alessandro M. Puricelli

Realizzazione Siti Web Ecommerce: Guida completa al mondo dei negozi virtuali

Ascolta la versione audio dell’articolo: Perché creare un sito web ecommerce? Se sei un imprenditore, saprai già quanto sia importante avere una forte presenza online. In particolare, se hai un’attività di vendita al dettaglio, la creazione di un sito web ecommerce può farti aumentare le vendite, raggiungere nuovi

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silver imac displaying line graph placed on desk
Alessandro M. Puricelli

Marketing for small businesses: what you need to know

Listen to the audio version of the article: Introduction It is possible to do Small Business Marketing and be successful online, but the key is to focus on your niche and only build your products after testing the market. "Marketing should always precede product development" To succeed in

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Content Marketing
Corrado Manenti

Effective content marketing through storytelling

Listen to the audio version of the article: What is content marketing? Content marketing is the branch of marketing that includes all the techniques for creating and sharing content - whether textual, visual or combined - that is relevant to a brand, so as to create interest (engagement) such that

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Business Development
Corrado Manenti

Online Marketing Strategy: where to start?

Listen to the audio version of the article: How do you build an online marketing strategy? Where should you start? In this article I talk about the basic premises behind marketing and its implementation in the company in both its digital and traditional parts. When we approach

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Business Development
Corrado Manenti

Le Sfide di Business Per Vincere Nel 2024

Every period of economic contraction of consumption, or 'crisis', hides, among many difficulties, much food for thought. Now, as never before, the opportunities of digitalisation and the Internet have become common knowledge and a priority even for those entrepreneurs or professionals who were reluctant to accept them in their daily lives.

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We help entrepreneurs and companies to exploit digital opportunities with strategic marketing.

